Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The First Post: I'm Feeling It

As many of you know, I am moving to Egypt to teach second grade at an International School in Cairo. I confirmed my plane tickets today and will officially fly out Sunday, August 2nd at 1:00pm.

Because this is not my first time moving abroad, I am pretty used to how my nerves and emotions cycle before a move. From experience, I would say that I am right on track. I am beginning to fret about stocking up on the things I can't get overseas, (Purpose brand face soap, sturdy bras, size 10 shoes). I am hastily tossing things I don't want to take with me, (old undies, shoes that won't last a full season, mail and nick-knacks etc). The next 5 weeks I expect to feel sad (leaving my parents, sisters, and Grandma behind gets harder every time). I'll feel anxious (can I afford to pay the overage charge that I will surely get tagged with at the airport?). I'll go through last-minute exhaustion (I procrastinate packing like woah). I'll definitely cycle through regret and fear. (Have I chosen the right profession? Why the hell am I doing it in Egypt?) I am scared that I will be a bad teacher. I am nervous that their parents won't like me. I am worried that I won't know how to teach my students the things they have to know. Before I leave I am certain that I will feel mad, happy, lonely, proud, able, and adventurous. It happens before every move.

I hope that my feelings about my first year teaching are typical. Don't all teachers feel at least a little nervous about the upcoming year? Of course I had to go and layer the whole "relocation" piece on it. I wouldn't even know how to exist in a "normal" life.

I will be in Cairo for a minimum of one year. I intend to document my experiences here.

I hope you enjoy The World I See.


Nat Glad said...

A good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the way for others.

Aimee said...

Liz, the fact that you are worrying about being a good teacher is half the battle. Bad teachers don't care either way. :)

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the post! Keep them coming and remind them it's H1N1 not swine flu. We don't want to upset the pigs with false accusations.